Groupe Berkem’s marshmallow root story begins on an organic, biodynamic farm cultivated with exceptional care, and harvested in total autonomy to help revolutionize the nutraceutical industry. Biodynamic farmers understand the rhythms of nature and strive to create a harmonious ecosystem, which is where marshmallow best thrives. Further, the sustainable harvesting of the marshmallow found in Mallowsym™ is a meticulous ritual that ensures both the survival of the flower and exceptional quality of the roots. Our extraction and freeze-drying processes produce a concentrated active ingredient designed to help soothe the throat.
Botanical Origin
Roots of marshmallow (Althaea officinalis)
Specifications of Mallowsym™
Helps soothe the throat
Water dispersible
Insoluble in oil phases
Recommended dosage
> 100 mg/d
Total sugars (Dubois) (on dry) [Internal Method]: ≥ 70% (typical value)
The statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Please, note that this information is based on our knowledge and our experience. The references in our nutraceutical range are produced in accordance with the European and French regulations in force to meet dietary supplement market. These references are exclusively intended to be use for the development and the manufacture of dietary supplement formulas. As this website is accessible in several countries, it may contain statements, claims or a classification that do not comply with the regulation (EC) n°1924/2006, DSHEA or other provisions in force in your country.
Groupe Berkem can assist you and invites you to check that the use and conditions of use of the products comply with regulations and rules in forces for your activity and geographical area.