Benefits of grape for health are known since a long time and are a result of an observation; mortality rate of French (regular consumers of wine) linked to cardiovascular diseases is lower than its European neighbors. It's the "French Paradox".
Premium Grape OPC is an extract of polyphenols, produced from grape seeds. Its high content in Oligomeric ProanthoCyanidins (OPC) confers many properties to improve health.
Botanical Origin
Seeds from grapes (Vitis vinifera)
Specifications of Premium Grape OPC
Grape Seed extract containing OPCs are well-known for their potent antioxidant activities, attributed to their ability to scavenge free radicals and protect against oxidative stress-induced damage
Preclinical and clinical studies shown that, grape seed extract has demonstrated beneficial effects through trans-kingdom actions as they are able to maintain most the health conditions encountered during life of a human being
Fine powder
Soluble in the aqueous phase
Total polyphenol: ≥ 99%
Oligomeric proanthocyanidins: ≥ 80%
The statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Please, note that this information is based on our knowledge and our experience. The references in our nutraceutical range are produced in accordance with the European and French regulations in force to meet dietary supplement market. These references are exclusively intended to be use for the development and the manufacture of dietary supplement formulas. As this website is accessible in several countries, it may contain statements, claims or a classification that do not comply with the regulation (EC) n°1924/2006, DSHEA or other provisions in force in your country.
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