• Botanical Origin
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  • Guarantees
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    • Logo Eurofeuille

Specifications of Mallowsym™


  • Irritation of the throat and dry cough are among the most prevalent modern day complaints. Day-to-day stress, overwork and air pollution, along with seasonal changes, can lead to cough and irritation of the throat, impacting quality of life. Marshmallow root has a long history of traditional use as demulcent that soothes minor irritation of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa.
  • Marshmallow root extract consists of mucilage polysaccharides, pectin and polyphenols which are associated with marshmallow’s soothing effects.
  • Dual mechanism—bioadhesive protection and enzyme inhibition—underlines marshmallow root’s soothing effect on the throat
    • The soothing properties seem to be linked to mucilages that form a bioadhesive layer on mucous
      membranes, acting as a protective film.
    • The beneficial effect of marshmallow root extract seems to be linked to its antioxidant and ability to support an inflammatory response, and potential to inhibit hyaluronidase, an enzyme that impacts tissue integrity.

Groupe Berkem, Scientific report on marshmallow


  • Powder
  • Brown


  • Water dispersible
  • Insoluble in oil phases

Recommended dosage

  • > 100 mg/d


  • Total sugars (Dubois) (on dry) [Internal Method]: ≥ 70%


The statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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