Cultivated Lepidium meyenii, known as Maca or “Peruvian ginseng” is an edible root of the family Brassicaceae that is native to South America, especially from Junin plateau of the Ande. Peruvian maca is considered superior to maca grown in other regions in the world. The unique growing and harsh conditions of this region, including the altitude, soil composition, and climate, contribute to maca nutritional profile and potency. Andea4350™ comes from this native & pure environment (altitude 4350m), traditionally grown, hand harvested, sun-dried, cleaned and transported to the port of Callao in Lima toward Berkem facilities in Europe for extraction process. Groupe Berkem provide all colors for all the benefits of maca, as traditional people have been doing, and also ensure the authenticity and quality of Andea4350™.